Eastern Oregon Correctional



2500 Westgate
Pendleton, Oregon 97801-9699



Superintendent´s Office:  (541) 278-3602
Information:   (541) 276-0700
FAX:   (541) 278-1841
Custody Level: Medium- Male
Sharon Blacketter, Superintendent
Rick Rose,  Assistant Superintendent of General Services
Thomas Cupp, Assistant Superintendent of Program Services
Don Mills, Assistant Superintendent of Security
Doug Harder, Public Information Officer


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Visiting Hours:
 Visiting is permitted on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
  Morning Session:          8:30 - 11:15 a.m.
 Afternoon Session:       1:00 - 4:00 p.m.    
There is NO VISITING on Monday or Tuesday
 Visiting Rule:  OAR Div 127 Visiting (Inmate)
Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution (EOCI) was authorized in 1983 by the 62nd Legislative Assembly as the first medium-security adult male correctional facility established outside Marion County. Until its conversion to a prison, EOCI had been a state mental hospital, with most of the buildings originally constructed in 1912-13. The first inmates were received on June 24, 1985. The 1600-bed facility is Pendleton´s fourth largest employer.
The institution has 19 separate general population housing units, comprised of 596 dormitory structured beds and 897 cell-structured beds, a 99 single occupancy cell Disciplinary Segregation Unit, and an 8 bed Infirmary.
EOCI contracts with Blue Mountain Community College to provide education services at the institution. Approximately 1,000 inmates have received either a GED certificate or an adult high school diploma since the education program began in 1986. 
New Directions Education Project was formed in 1999 by a group of people who felt that inmates should have more than a GED to start their lives upon release.  Donations were sought from churches, civic groups, individuals and eventually from foundations in order to pay for tuition, textbooks and supplies so that Blue Mountain Community College would provide instructors to teach college-transfer classes at EOCI.
Programs offered to inmates at EOCI, include: 
EOCI is the state´s only facility where the internationally-recognized "Prison Blues " line of blue denim clothing is manufactured. The garment factory is one of two prison industries programs operating at the facility. The prison´s commercial laundry cleans clothing and other items for EOCI and Snake River Correctional Institution, in addition to Pendleton´s local high school, the city´s fire department, the Pendleton Convention Center, and Krusteaz Flour Mill. Other inmate work opportunities include: food service, clerical, and facility maintenance.
The Creative Arts program started in March 2001 and includes wood working and cast iron projects.  The program provides meaningful work learning essential job skills in a realistic work environment that is designed to improve an inmate´s chance of getting a job and becoming a productive citizen upon release to the community.  The program is completely self-funded.  The staff and inmate continue to explore unique ideas for creative arts projects and in doing so the program is now assisting other state agencies in development of their wood working programs.
Visiting Rule:  OAR Div 127 Visiting (Inmate)

Mail Rule:  OAR Div 131 Mail (Inmate)


For comments and questions, you may contact:

Oregon Department of Corrections
2575 Center St. NE
Salem, OR
Phone: 503-945-9090
Inmate Info.: 503-945-9090
Fax: 503-373-1173



For information about an inmate, please send an email to: inmate.info@doc.state.or.us.