Oregon State Correctional
3405 Deer Park Drive SE
Salem, Oregon 97310-9385





Superintendent: (503) 373-0105
Information: (503) 373-0100
FAX: (503) 378-8919
Custody Level:  Minimum



Nancy Howton, Superintendent
Jim Muranaka, Assistant Superintendent of General Services
Carla Tupou, Assistant Superintendent of Program Services
Troy Bowser, Institution Security Manage
Visiting Hours:
Wednesday through Sunday, including holidays: 8:15 - 10:45 a.m. and 1:00 - 3:45 p.m.
For more information about visitations see link below to rule. 
Visiting Rule: OAR Div 127 Visiting (Inmate)





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OSCI offers many work and job preparedness opportunities for inmates including printing, telephone services for the Oregon Health Plan, and the Engineering Support Unit

Oregon State Correctional Institution (OSCI), a medium security facility located three miles east of Salem, was established by action of the 1955 Legislature and became fully operational June 1, 1959. The 880-bed facility provides housing and confinement for males serving sentences for felony convictions from all counties of Oregon. Five hundred of these beds are designated as Transitional Release beds. The prison traditionally houses the departmentīs younger inmates, including those remanded to adult prison from juvenile facilities.

The facility provides useful work and self-improvement programs to enhance inmates ability to reintegrate back into the community. The prison also has a dormitory-style special housing unit for inmates who are medically or physically challenged, but who do not need to be hospitalized or confined in an infirmary.

Recently, OSCI has redirected its focus to address the needs of the large transitional release population. Approximately 500 of the current 880 inmates are within six months of their release back into the community, largely increasing the demand for transition programs.




For comments and questions, you may contact:

Oregon Department of Corrections
2575 Center St. NE
Salem, OR
Phone: 503-945-9090
Inmate Info.: 503-945-9090
Fax: 503-373-1173



For information about an inmate, please send an email to: inmate.info@doc.state.or.us.